藏地 :美国华盛顿国家美术馆 纪年 :1700 - 1722(康熙晚期) 尺寸 :高:28.5 厘米 工艺 :五彩 器形 :灯罩
主题 :僧房假寓
After Zhang glimpsed Yinying outside the Buddha Hall in the Monastery of Universal Salvation, he went back to his rooms lovestruck. He was unable to think about anything else. Immediately he decided to prolong his stay and try to see her again. The next day he went back inside the monastery to pay a formal visit to the head abbot Faben.
瓷器描述 :与金陵富春堂唐氏刻本《出像南西廂記》相比,画面上略去了方丈的门框,不过依然可见屋檐和屋檐下排列齐整的椽子头,门口有一阶垂带踏垛,人物的相互位置有所变动。虽然张生还是坐在座屏前面的客位,法本长老移到了张生的右面。长老把一张搭脑不出头、无把手的一统碑椅让给客人坐,自己坐一张凳子。座屏前有一张喷面式有束腰长方桌,两端的腿足间安双枨。桌上依然有书匣、香炉,可是座屏上的画变成了云雾苍黛的米家山水。张生手持金箔折扇正在侃侃而谈,法本似在拱手还礼。月洞窗外可见一位头戴僧伽帽的和尚正端着茶盘走来上茶。
This scene is not commonly featured in printed book versions of the Romance. However, it is frequently depicted on porcelain of the late Ming and early Qing, such as on the Kangxi famille vert lamp. The abbot is on the right in front of the table, and Scholar Zhang is on the left. The rectangular waisted table with a double bar between its legs holds a censer and a stack of books as before, but the painting on the screen is of misty mountains. While Scholar Zhang is holding a golden fan, this time it is the abbot who has his hands clasped. Through the open window on the wall, a monk is on his way to serve tea.
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