藏地 :海外私人藏 纪年 :1700 - 1722(康熙晚期) 尺寸 :高:9.125 英寸 工艺 :五彩 器形 :灯罩
主题 :僧房假寓
After Zhang glimpsed Yinying outside the Buddha Hall in the Monastery of Universal Salvation, he went back to his rooms lovestruck. He was unable to think about anything else. Immediately he decided to prolong his stay and try to see her again. The next day he went back inside the monastery to pay a formal visit to the head abbot Faben.
瓷器描述 :在海外收藏的另一件康熙五彩灯罩上,《借厢》图的基本格局依旧,只是瓷画匠略去了左边的月洞窗。送茶的和尚已经走到了法本长老身边,屋内多了跟随张生的琴童和三张有束腰鼓腿圆凳,方丈的门口也被略去,近景是一段栏杆和一棵硕大的芭蕉,其中卷筒般的芭蕉心分外引人注目,是当时民间画匠常常强调的一个图像元素。
On a similar Kangxi lamp, the tea serving monk has already arrived behind the abbot with his tray. An oversized banana plant has been added – a popular feature in gardens of the era. Another addition is three stools somewhat randomly placed among the foliage.
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