藏地 : 纪年 :1662-1722(康熙) 工艺 :青花 器形 :缸
主题 :僧房假寓
After Zhang glimpsed Yinying outside the Buddha Hall in the Monastery of Universal Salvation, he went back to his rooms lovestruck. He was unable to think about anything else. Immediately he decided to prolong his stay and try to see her again. The next day he went back inside the monastery to pay a formal visit to the head abbot Faben.
瓷器描述 :在《西厢记》连环画图纹缸上,《借厢》图采用的表现角度同巴特勒藏浅碗相似,不过在画面的右面增添开了月洞窗的墙,张生身边站着琴童,臂弯下夹着个包袱皮儿,花绸的图案在此图上表现得特别清楚。
On the large fishbowl mentioned in earlier chapters, the scene is set in a slightly different location. Scholar Zhang and the Abbot Faben are seated at a long table. The tea serving monk and the pageboy with his bundle are rendered in greater detail, particularly the flower pattern on the bundle.
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