
  • 藏地 :

  • 纪年 :1662 - 1722(康熙)

  • 尺寸 :口径 35.2 高 5.5 足径 20 厘米

  • 工艺 :五彩

  • 器形 :盘

  • 主题 僧房假寓


    After Zhang glimpsed Yinying outside the Buddha Hall in the Monastery of Universal Salvation, he went back to his rooms lovestruck. He was unable to think about anything else. Immediately he decided to prolong his stay and try to see her again. The next day he went back inside the monastery to pay a formal visit to the head abbot Faben.

  • 错误描述 :李臣编著的《明末清初民窑瓷识真》一书刊载一件康熙五彩大盘,书中描写盘上所绘图纹说:“故事画的是《西厢记》里张生和崔莺莺见面的情景”(第99页)

    The publication that contains its reference describes it as ‘a story scene in which Scholar Zhang and Yingying meet’.

  • 瓷器描述 :在画面的右侧,法本长老同张生正坐在方丈内晤谈,法本旁边站着法聪,张生身旁站着琴童。宾主落座的方式一如既往,张生坐在房正中,背对子和后的大座屏,法本坐在张生的右手。法聪看到红娘正在走来,赶忙殷勤地同她打招呼。因为瓷器上釉彩的鲜艳、瓷质的白皙,画在瓷器上的故事画比画在绢本上的更加光彩夺目。室内座屏上画大幅瀑布、苍山绿茵,门口的四抹落地门上用心画出了龟背纹框格棂心和雕刻彩绘绦环板板,围绕屋子的栏楯由实心的如意雕花栏板构成,花园边上围栏的则由横档和漏空的花饰构成。两处栏杆的望柱头均为莲苞形

    By the look of this piece, it is part of a set. The seating arrangment places Scholar Zhang in front of a magnificently decorated screen. As Hongniang approaches, the junior monk’s eyes light up when he sees her. Because of the whiteness of the material and the vibrancy of the famille vert palette, the scene is more vivid than others, especially the grandiose landscape on the screen, with waterfalls. It is a more elaborate version of the usual composition, with more sophisticated details in the architecture and garden features. The three-panelled wall piece is particularly well rendered.

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