1994, co-author with Sidney Greenbaum : Tagging the British ICE Corpus: English word classes
1996, doctoral thesis : The interpretation of English noun phrases with particular regard to generic reference
1998, 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 12) : Co-interpretation Network in English Discourse
2002, Antiques and Fine Art : A Culture Revealed: Pictures on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Ceramics
2003,Oriental Arts : Protocols of Designing Pun Rebuses: Revisiting the Triple Interface of Image, Morphology, and Phonology
August 2003, New Media Language
, Routledge : Noun phrases in media texts: a quantificational approach
2012, Approaches to Teaching "the Story of the Stone (Dream of the Red Chamber)", Modern Language Association : Material Culture Matters in The Story of the Stone
2017, Jieruitang : A Culture Revealed: Kangxi-Era Chinese Porcelain from the Jie Rui Tang Collection