
Honorary director of the Centre for Study of Stories of China (CSSC) under the auspices of the Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University, China, obtained his degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy at University College London (UCL) and studied Chinese art at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He taught in the English Department and the University Scholars’ Programme, National University of Singapore. He has published books, book chapters, and articles on Chinese art history and is internationally consulted on matters related to iconography in Chinese art. He has lectured widely in institutions of higher education, professional organisations, and museums in the US, the UK, Singapore, and China. In recent years, he has made breakthroughs in deciphering lost story scenes in Chinese art.



生于 1956 年,现任上海外国语大学语料库研究院教授。1990年在伦敦大学学院英语系(University College London, UCL)获现代英语硕士学位。1996 年在伦敦大学学院英语系获得伦敦大学博士学位,师从著名英语语法学家 Sidney Greenbaum,博士论文为 The interpretation of English noun phrases with particular regard to generic reference。期间在伦敦大学亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies,SOAS)进修中国艺术史。1997 年起任教于新加坡国立大学(NUS)英语文学系。2001 年受伊维德(Wilt L. Idema)教授邀请赴哈佛大学东亚语言与文化系(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)任访问学者,正式开始转向研究中国传统叙事与象征图像。曾经应邀在美国哈佛大学费正清东亚研究中心、哈佛燕京学社、耶鲁大学东亚系、加州大学洛杉矶分校、佛吉尼亚大学、夏威夷檀香山美术馆、英国伦敦东方陶瓷学会、中国国家博物馆、上海美术馆、中华艺术宫、复旦大学、交通大学、南京大学、新加坡各大学、博物馆、国家图书馆等各机构团体作学术演讲。2003 年主编英文版《中国陶瓷辞典》于新加坡出版,同年于英国《东方艺术》(Oriental Art)刊文 The anatomy of rebus in Chinese decorative arts。2005 年应邀参与《上海博物馆与英国巴特勒家族所藏十七世纪景德镇瓷器》图录的撰写,并在上海博物馆《十七世纪景德镇瓷器国际学术研讨会》上作主题发言。2006 年受邀成为新加坡管理大学廉凤讲座(Lien Fung's Colloquium at SMU)年度主讲人。2007 年应邀在上海美术馆演讲《中国瓷器系列》。2008 年由北京中华书局出版《看图说瓷》;同年四月应美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校中国研究中心邀请,作题为《瓷器上人物故事图探秘》的演讲;六月应邀参加在卢森堡大公国举办的《英国巴特勒家族所藏晚明瓷器》特展图录的撰写。2009 年在英国伦敦出版英文版著作《一百个汉字》。2010 年应邀翻译北京外文出版社和美国耶鲁大学出版社出版的《中国陶瓷艺术》中《中国外贸陶瓷》一章。2012 年应邀在由美国现代语言学会(Modern Language Association)组织编纂的主要供西方大学世界文学史教学作参考的《红楼梦参考书》(Approaches to Teaching "the Story of the Stone (Dream of the Red Chamber)")中撰写英语章节《红楼梦中的物质文化》(Material Culture Matters in The Story of the Stone)。2014 年应邀在美国芝加哥大学斯马特美术馆举办的《演艺中的图像——中国视觉文化中的戏曲艺术》展图录中撰写英语论文《〈西厢记〉中两个场景图像的各种变体》;同年三月应苏富比拍卖行之邀参与撰写纽约《洁蕊堂藏康熙瓷》特展图录并在开幕式上做演讲;十一月应英国收藏家巴特勒爵士家族和伦敦东方陶瓷学会(The Oriental Ceramic Society)邀请,在伦敦伯灵顿大厦古文物学会礼堂(Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington house)做首届“巴特勒爵士纪念讲座”,题为《不是官窑,胜似官窑 — 转变期瓷器》(Not Imperial but Simple Beautiful: The Painting Style of High Transitional Porcelain with Narrative Scenes),并发表在当年的学会年刊上。2015 年六月在《形象史学研究 杂志2015/上半年》发表论文《从潘诺夫斯基的图像学理论看中国古代叙事画释读的方法论问题》。2017 年与洁蕊堂出版合著 A CULTURE REVEALED: Kangxi-Era Chinese Porcelain from the Jie Rui Tang Collection (《文采卓然:潔蕊堂藏康熙盛世瓷》)。2018 年受苏富比美国纽约总部邀请作英语讲座,题为《康熙瓷器作为反映中华传统图像文化的缩影》(Kangxi Porcelain as an Epitome of the Chinese Cultural Heritage)。2019 年于上海图书馆作题为《明清瓷器及版画中的“凝视”主题》演讲,同年受傅修延教授邀请于南昌参加“第七届叙事学国际会议暨第九届全国叙事学研讨会”,作题为《中国瓷器上图像叙事方式的考察》演讲。2021年任上海外国语大学教授,创建中国故事多模态国际传播研究中心 (Centre for Study of Stories of China, CSSC) ,任名誉主任。


  • Iconographic Art History
  • English Grammar
  • Relavence Theory
  • Reference Theory
  • 图像学艺术史
  • 英语语法
  • 关联理论
  • 指称理论


I first met Dr Ni Yibin about a decade ago, and in an unusual way. The former U.K. Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath, who used to live quite close to me in England, telephoned me one day and asked if I would show my porcelain to a brilliant young Chinese scholar from Shanghai whom he was befriending. I said I would be delighted and asked them to lunch, although I was a little nervous of how long Sir Edward himself would be interested in the porcelain as he was not famous for his patience! What would he do while we were looking at the pots? I need not have worried. After lunch he came and sat with us while we talked and did not show signs of wanting to make a move till after tea at 5pm. When he was leaving he said he never imagined there could be so many interesting things to say about porcelain. Yibin was already then interested in identifying the narrative scenes on C17th porcelain, a quest which he has pursued with extraordinary success. He has helped me by identifying many of the scenes on pieces in my Shunzhi Exhibition in 2002 and the Shanghai Exhibition in 2005 and again those in this catalogue. He has become the leading authority in the world on the subject, with an enormous data base of pictures of the scenes and of the matching paintings and woodblock prints from which they are derived, as well as identifying ancient legends from the subject matter of the scenes. He is now very widely consulted. In my view he has made a major contribution to the study of the period and has hugely enlivened the entries in this and other catalogues. I value his contributions enormously, and could not be more grateful to him. We have met often in the last decade and had a lot of fun together. I treasure his friendship.

--- Sir Michael Butler, 2008


我与倪亦斌博士的相识起源于十来年前的一次不同寻常的会面。曾经有段时间,英国前首相希斯爵士在英格兰与我比邻。一天,接到一个来自希斯爵士的电话,询问是否愿意将我收藏的瓷器向一位来自上海的年轻学者展示。我自然是非常乐意的,并邀请他们共进午餐,但同时不免有点小小的担心:希斯爵士本人是否会对瓷器的话题感兴趣呢?在我们看那些瓶瓶罐罐时,他该怎么打发时间?要知道,前首相在耐心方面的名声可远远不及他别的优点。 后来的发生的事情证明了这种担心是多余的。希斯爵士从午餐过后就加入到了我们的讨论中,直到五点钟喝完下午茶,一直忘神的倾听我们的谈话。临别前他说他从来没有想到过关于瓷器,世上竟然有这么多说也说不完的故事。 当时的亦斌就怀着极大的热忱对十七世纪瓷器上的故事场景进行着辨认,现如今在这一课题上他已取得了非凡的成就。他曾经帮助我辨认出我在 2002 年的“顺治瓷器展”和 2005 年的上海展中许多瓷器上的故事画,同时还包括了现在这本图录中的瓷器故事。作为目前这一领域中世界级的权威,他的成就包括:不光建立起了一个庞大的数据库以收录数量巨大的瓷器故事场景图片以及作为其图像来源的,描绘相同故事题材的绘画和木刻版画,还对包括了对故事场景所蕴含的古代民间传说的辨认。今天,亦斌的观点在相关领域中具有重要的地位。在我看来,他对这一时期的研究做出了重要贡献,极大丰富了此本以及其他许多图录中的条目。我对这些极具价值的贡献心怀感激。在过去十年,我们时常见面,共度了许多愉快的时光。我珍惜我们之间的友谊。

--- 巴特勒爵士, 2008